
XinYiLi Wood
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XinYiLi Wood
  • The advantages and disadvantages of
    The advantages and disadvantages of


    1, the advantages of panel furniture(1) the full and effective utilization of woodArtificial board with all sorts of wood residue as the main raw material, after the industrial processing of a certain, thus reduce wood waste, improve the utilization rate of.(2... 【more】

  • What is the type of furniture
    What is the type of furniture


    Panel furniture refers to knockdown furniture to wood-based panel as the main substrate, using the plate as the basic structure of the. This kind of furniture is a large portion of furniture wood grain simulation. Currently on the market to sell some of the fu... 【more】

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ICP备   Tel:0532-86592229 

ADD:Qingdao jimo longshan street agency kam burn industrial park